Understanding Churn Reports
Churn analytics provide powerful insights into your Scheduled Order retention and customer churn over time.
Learn more about these charts here: Churn Reports
Retention Cohorts by Scheduled Orders
This chart shows how many Scheduled Orders were retained month over month based on when they were created and their current status (Deleted or Active).
- For example, 124 Scheduled Orders were created in January 2023, at the end of the month (January 2023) 92.86% were still active and the rest were Deleted. After 2 months, 21.43 % were still active (retained).
Scheduled Order Churn:
This chart shows how many days Scheduled Orders remain in Active status and how many days a Scheduled Order was Active until it was Deleted. You can use this chart to understand how long Scheduled Orders are active and see decreases or increases in your retention.
- For example, if your average Days until Deleted increases this indicates you are retaining your Autoship customers longer.
- If your average Days until Deleted decreases, this means that customers are deleting their Autoship orders faster.
Scheduled Orders and Cycles
Scheduled Order By Cycles
This chart shows how many Scheduled Orders have cycled X amount of times successfully. It also shows the average Scheduled Order subtotal for those that have processed X amount of times.
Use this chart to understand your Scheduled Order retention and lifecycle.
- For example, increases in Scheduled Orders that have been processed over X amount of times indicate that your Autoship customers are sticking around.
Deleted Scheduled Orders By Cycles
Similar to Scheduled Orders By Cycles, this chart shows how many times Scheduled Orders successfully cycled (processed) before they were deleted. It also shows the average Scheduled Order subtotal for those that cycled X amount of times before being deleted.
Use this chart to understand when customers are churning (deleting their Scheduled Orders) and find opportunities to increase retention!
- For example, if many customers delete their Scheduled Order after the 3rd cycle, then this may be a good opportunity to create an offer (for example, a campaign with a special discount or free product to try) that they receive after their 3rd cycle designed to retain them to reach their 4th cycle.
Updated 10 months ago