1000: Empty Scheduled Order
What This Means
The Scheduled Order is empty of any items, so there is nothing to process.
Common Causes For This Error
- The customer removed all products from their Scheduled Order
- A site administrator with access to edit Scheduled Orders has removed all products from the Scheduled Order but left the status of the Scheduled Order as "Active"
Suggested Next Steps
In most cases, an empty Scheduled Order should be deleted because it contains no items at all.
If Items Were Removed by Mistake
- Customers can add products to their empty Scheduled Order. Once the Scheduled Order is updated with products, the Scheduled Order should be resumed.
- Merchants can also add products to the empty Scheduled Order when helping a Customer directly.
Note: If the Scheduled Order is empty and should not be, please check the history of the Scheduled Order to confirm when the items were removed.
- Merchants can check the history of the Scheduled Order to see when changes were made by visiting QPilot > Sites > Scheduled Orders, and then using the options menu for the Scheduled Order to select "View Event Logs".
After Resolving The Issue
If the Scheduled Order is no longer empty, you should use the action to Restart Processing the Failed Scheduled Order.
Updated over 2 years ago