Required For Integration
- Customer Information Manager
- API Keys
- Merchant ID
- Merchant Key
- Tokenization - This gateway must tokenize payments in a way that allows QPilot to create future orders
Required Payment Fields for Paya
- Gateway CustomerId
- Billing Address
- Payment Method Description (optional, but strongly suggested because it is used to display the payment method to your customer)
Setting up Paya Payments
Navigate to QPilot Merchant Center > Dashboard > Payment Integrations. Once there, select the "Add" button (blue circle with the "+" sign in it) to add a new payment integration.
Make sure that "Test Mode" is enabled (unless you are ready to begin using the gateway in Live mode), select the "Payment Method Type" dropdown, and then select "Paya v1".

Paya V1 Payment Integration
Next, enter the required API credentials in the appropriate fields. When you're done, select "CREATE". You should now see a payment integration for "Paya v1" in your Payment Integrations list.
Ready to go live with Paya?
In order to enable live payments (and disable 'Test Mode') please ensure you have activated your QPilot account with a subscription plan.
Then make sure a "Production" environment is selected for your site in QPilot Merchant Center > Edit (site) > General Settings.
Manually Adding a Previously Saved Payment Method with Paya to a Scheduled Order
- Contact Paya Support to retrieve your customer's payment token aka GUID (What is a GUID?)
- Visit QPilot Merchant Center > Dashboard > Scheduled Orders to create or edit a Scheduled Order
- At the bottom section of the Scheduled Order, locate the "Payment Method" option and select "Create New"
- For the "Payment Method Type" option, select "Paya v1"
- Fill in the following fields with the information copied from your Paya Vault, starting with the GUID obtained from Paya support:
- Scheduled Order Gateway Customer Id => Paya Vault GUID
- Scheduled Order Gateway Payment Id => leave this value empty
- Scheduled Order Payment Method Description => card type, last four digits of card number of expiration copied from Payment Profile fields
- Scheduled Order Billing Address => Customer's billing address for the payment method
- If you need to process the Scheduled Order right away, select the action for Restart Processing or Process Now. Otherwise, update the Next Occurrence Date and set the Scheduled Order to an "Active" status.
Paya FAQ's
Where do I Find My Paya API Keys?
Paya uses a Merchant Id and Merchant Key to process transactions over their API. For assistance locating your Merchant Id & Key see Paya's documentation.
Can I manually add a customer / GUID to my Paya Vault?
No, adding payment data is done exclusively over the API. This means a customer has to have performed a checkout and select "Save to Account" with a payment method for it to be saved with a GUID to the Paya Vault.
Updated over 2 years ago