Products by Date Summary
This report displays all products scheduled for upcoming Scheduled Orders grouped by their Next Occurrence Date and can be filtered by date ranges as well as specific product titles.
Scheduled Orders by Product
This report displays all customers that have a specific product in their Scheduled Order(s). To view report results for a product, you must first use the "Select Product" filter.
Scheduled Order Metrics
This report displays a real-time and exportable snapshot of Scheduled Orders with key performance metrics including each Scheduled Order's Source, Created Date, Lifetime Value, and the current Status.
Event Logs
This report enables merchants and admins to search for specific events over time that are related to Scheduled Orders including creation, updates, and processing.
Customer Metrics
This report displays a real-time and exportable snapshot of Customers with key performance metrics including Customer Created Date, First Scheduled Order Created Date, Lifetime Value, Product, and Processing Cycle metrics for a customer's Scheduled Order(s) by status.
Email Delivery
This report enables merchants and admins to track the performance and deliverability of customer email notifications sent by QPilot.
Churn Reports
This report enables merchants and admins to track Scheduled Order retention.
Updated 4 months ago