Subscriber Success Guide

As your best customers, it's important that your Subscribers understand the benefits of and how to manage their subscriptions! Ensuring they get the most value out of their subscription, ensures that merchants get the most value from their subscribers as well.

This is why we've compiled the "Subscriber Success Guide" that outlines how to support your subscribers.

Table of Contents

Subscription FAQ Page

A Subscription FAQ is a website page that outlines the benefit of subscribing and answers frequently asked questions (FAQ) about subscriptions to encourage new subscribers and support existing ones.

Not all merchants offer a page like this, but it's something we suggest including in your subscription offer. Furthermore, Subscription FAQs can be customized to your subscription offer and brand messaging!

Want to see some examples?

  1. Nuleaf Naturals "Wellness Club"
  2. Legion Athletics "Subscribe and Save"
  3. Mission Farms "Feel Good Club"

Creating a Subscription FAQ page is done on the front end within your theme but here are a few quick tips we have on Subscription FAQs (in addition to the snippets below).

  • Make it easy to find! Many merchants include this as a page on their main menu. Other merchants include it under "Offers" or other submenus.
  • Start with the benefits of your Subscription Offer. Highlight why a customer should choose a subscription versus one-time. For example, do they get a discount or a free shipping with their subscription?
  • Keep your messaging consistent. Terms used throughout the Customer Portal can be customized according to your QPilot Site’s Localization Settings (
  • Include this page in your automated QPilot Customer Notifications (learn more below).

Customer Notification Messaging

Enabling customer notifications is a vital component of many subscription offerings and you can learn more about QPilot Customer Notifications here. As part of your notification messaging, we suggest adding quick tips for your customers to help ensure they feel confident about their subscriptions!


Don't forget customer notifications are customizable for both styling and templates!

We've outlined some of these suggestions by notification type and provided examples below.

  1. Scheduled Order Created Notification - When a customer creates a new Scheduled Order, they'll get this email. This means it's a great opportunity to A) outline how they can access their Subscription and B) share your Subscription FAQ (if you have one).
Example of a customized Scheduled Order Created notification template.

Example of a customized Scheduled Order Created notification template.

  1. Upcoming Scheduled Order Notification - Flexibility is key to long-term LTV and if you've enabled upcoming notifications for your customers, it's a great time to remind them they can make changes if needed.

    Example of a customized Upcoming Scheduled Order notification template.

    Example of a customized Upcoming Scheduled Order notification template.

  2. Failed Scheduled Order Notification - Making it easy for customers to update failed Scheduled Orders means it's more likely to be processed successfully. This is why we recommend including user-friendly instructions for your customer in these notifications. We also suggest customizing these instructions based on the failure reason.

    1. Enable "Empty Scheduled Order" Error Emails - Encourage your customer to add and resume the Scheduled Order by A) providing a quick link to their subscription and B)[briefly telling them how to find a product.
    2. Enable "No Items To Ship" Error Emails - Let them know that their product isn't currently available and encourage your customer to add and resume the Scheduled Order by A) providing a quick link to their subscription and B) briefly telling them how to find a product (protip: each product will show a stock status so they can find products that are available).
    3. Enable "No Payment Method" Error Emails - Help your customer add a payment method quickly by providing your customer instructions on how to add a payment method by linking to their subscription!
    4. Enable "Payment Failed" Error Emails - Payment failures are often the most common error merchants experience but are also quickly recoverable by communicating with the customer. In this notification, we recommend A) providing your customer instructions on how to add a payment method and B) linking to their subscription.



If you're using the v2 Subscriber Portal, checkout our Subscriber How-to Examples here! These user-friendly snippets can be added to your Subsciption FAQ and Customer Notifcations to help guide your subscribers.