Customer Fields
- Id
- This is the external user profile Id
- This id is how QPilot syncs customers from your connected site
- Email
- The customers email
- First Name
- The customers first name
- Last Name
- The customers last name
- Created
- When was this customer created
- Shipping First Name
- The customers default shipping address first name
- Shipping Last Name
- The customers default shipping address last name
- Shipping Country
- The customers default shipping address country
- Shipping Street 1
- The customers default shipping address line 1
- Shipping Street 2
- The customers default shipping address line 2
- Shipping City
- The customers default shipping address city
- Shipping Post Code
- The customers default shipping address postal code
- Billing First Name
- The customers default billing address first name
- Billing Last Name
- The customers default billing address last name
- Billing Country
- The customers default billing address country
- Billing Street 1
- The customers default billing address line 1
- Billing Street 2
- The customers default billing address line 2
- Billing City
- The customers default billing address city
- Billing Post Code
- The customers default billing address postal code
Payment Methods
Add (Add a new tokenized payment method to the customer's profile)
- Create New
- Type
- The integration the payment method uses
- Description
- Description of the payment method so merchants and customers can reference which payment method is being used for a Scheduled Order
- Gateway Customer Id
- The Gateway Customer Id links to the customer's profile in the payment integration and is used to tokenize payment methods
- Gateway Payment Id
- The Gateway Payment Id links to the customer's payment method in the payment integration and is used to tokenize payment methods
- Billing First Name
- The customers default billing address first name
- Billing Last Name
- The customers default billing address last name
- Billing Country
- The customers default billing address country
- Billing Street 1
- The customers default billing address line 1
- Billing Street 2
- The customers default billing address line 2
- Billing City
- The customers default billing address city
- Billing Post Code
- The customers default billing address postal code
- Type
- Load Methods from Gateway
- Gateway Customer Id
- The Gateway Customer Id links to the customer's profile in the payment integration and is used to tokenize payment methods
- Gateway Payment Id
- The Gateway Payment Id links to the customer's payment method in the payment integration and is used to tokenize payment methods
- Learn more here: Loading Payment Methods From Your Gateway
- Gateway Customer Id
- Create New
Existing Payment Methods
- Type
- The integration the payment method uses
- Description
- Description of the payment method so merchants and customers can reference which payment method is being used for a Scheduled Order
- Gateway Customer Id
- The Gateway Customer Id links to the customer's profile in the payment integration and is used to tokenize payment methods
- Gateway Payment Id
- The Gateway Payment Id links to the customer's payment method in the payment integration and is used to tokenize payment methods
- Type
Updated about 3 years ago