Required for Intergration

Setting up PayPal Payments

Navigate to QPilot Merchant Center > Dashboard > Payment Integrations. Once there, select the "Add" button (blue circle with the "+" sign in it) to add a new payment integration.

Make sure that "Test Mode" is enabled (unless you are ready to begin using the gateway in Live mode), select the "Payment Method Type" dropdown, then select "PayPal", and enter the required API credentials. When you're done, select "CREATE". 

You should now see a new payment integration for PayPal in your Payment Integrations list.


Ready to go live with PayPal?

In order to enable live payments (and disable 'Test Mode') please ensure you have activated your QPilot account with a subscription plan.

Then make sure a "Production" environment is selected for your site in QPilot Merchant Center > Edit (site) > General Settings.