Scheduled Order Fields Reference
Below is a reference guide of every field that a Scheduled Order may contain. You will find this information to be vital when working with a Scheduled Order Object, either when interfacing with the QPilot API, consuming data over a Webhook, or getting data over a Zapier Zap.
Base Fields Specification
Field Name | Description | Data Type |
Id | The unique identifier of the Scheduled Order. | number |
NextOccurrenceUtc | A UTC Datetime that specifies when will the Scheduled Order process next | datetime |
LastOccurrenceUtc | A UTC DateTime for when the Scheduled Order last processed | datetime |
Status | The current Status of the Scheduled Order | enumerate: Processing, Failed, Active, Paused, Queued |
ScheduledOrderFailureReason | The Failure Reason detail for a Scheduled Order that is in the Failed Status | string |
ProcessingErrorCode | The Failure Reason Code for a Scheduled Order that is in the Failed Status | enumerate: 1000: Empty Scheduled Order 1001: No Items To Ship 1002: No Shipping Rate Found 1003: Payment Integration Not Found 1004: No Payment Method Found 2000: Payment Failed 3000: Client Order Creation Failure 3002: Invalid Client Order Creation Response |
Origin | The user type and context in which the Scheduled Order was created | enumerate: Merchant Customer CustomerCheckout |
FrequencyType | The Frequency Type of the Scheduled Order | enumerate: Days, Weeks, Months, DayOfTheWeek, DayOfTheMonth |
Frequency | The Frequency Value of the Scheduled Order | number |
FrequencyDisplayName | A friendly description for the Frequency of the Scheduled Order (e.g. "Every 2 Weeks") | string |
Cycles | The number of times that the Scheduled Order has processed successfully | number |
CurrencyIso | The Currency of the Scheduled Order in the 3 digit ISO Format | char(3) |
Subtotal | The Subtotal value of the Scheduled Order | number |
ShippingTotal | The Shipping cost of the Scheduled Order | number |
TaxTotal | The Tax value of the Scheduled Order | number |
Total | The sum of the Subtotal, ShippingTotal and TaxTotal of the Scheduled Order | number |
LifetimeValue | The Total Value that has been processed for this Scheduled Order | number |
Note | An optional note for the Scheduled Order | string |
CreatedUtc | A UTC Datetime that specifies when the Scheduled Order was created | datetime |
UpdatedUtc | A UTC Datetime that specifies when the Scheduled Order was last updated | datetime |
Customer | The Customer that is associated to the Scheduled Order | Customer |
PaymentMethod | The Payment Method that is associated to the Scheduled Order | Payment Method |
ScheduledOrderItems | The List of Scheduled Order Items that are associated to the Scheduled Order | List of Scheduled Order Items |
LastProcessingCycle | The Last Processing Cycle for this Scheduled Order | Processing Cycle |
Metadata | The Scheduled Order's Metadata (see: | JSON object |
Shipping Fields Specification
Field Name | Description | Data Type |
ShippingRateName | The Name of the Shipping Rate that is set for this Scheduled Order | string |
ShippingTotal | The Shipping cost of the Scheduled Order | number |
PreferredShippingRateOption | The Name of the Shipping Rate override that is set for this Scheduled Order | string |
ShippingRateOptions | All the Shipping Rate options that are available for this Scheduled Order | List of Shipping Rates |
ShippingFirstName | The Shipping Recipient's First Name | string |
ShippingLastName | The Shipping Recipient's Last Name | string |
ShippingStreet1 | The Shipping Recipient's Address Line 1 | string |
ShippingStreet2 | The Shipping Recipient's Address Line 2 | string |
ShippingCity | The Shipping Recipient's City | string |
ShippingState | The Shipping Recipient's State | string |
ShippingPostcode | The Shipping Recipient's Postal Code | string |
ShippingCountry | The Shipping Recipient's 2 Digit ISO Country Code | char(2) |
PhoneNumber | The Shipping Recipient's Phone Number | string |
Company | The Shipping Recipient's Company | string |
Updated over 4 years ago