CyberSource: 102 One Or More Fields Invalid
What This Means
One or more fields in the request contain invalid data. Examine the reply fields invalidField_0 through invalidField_N to see which fields are invalid. Resend the request with the correct information.
Note: CyberSource Merchants can locate more details about a specific transaction by logging into their CyberSource Business Center and navigating to the Transaction Search Detail page.
Common Causes For This Error
- A required address field is Invalid and is needed to complete payment processing with CyberSource
Suggested Next Steps
Review CyberSource response for this transaction by logging into your CyberSource Business Center and navigating to the Transaction Search Detail page, specifically the "invalidField_N " field for the Invalid data in the Reply Message
Cybersource recommends comparing the transaction to the Request Fields specifications document for fields identified in the invalidField reply.
If you find an empty or invalid field, you should update the payment method and then skip to "After resolving the issue".
You or your customer may also choose to add a new payment method to the order. See "Adding A New Payment Method for Your Customer" for more details on adding a new payment method for your customer.
Adding A New Payment Method for Your Customer?
If you are adding a new payment method for your customer directly to your payment gateway (manually), ensure that you edit the failed Scheduled Order, add a new payment method, and copy the required billing information from your payment gateway directly to their Scheduled Order including:
- Gateway PaymentId
- Billing Address
- Payment Method Description (optional, but strongly suggested because it is used to display the payment method to your customer)
After Resolving The Issue
Once this issue is resolved, you should use the action to Restart Processing the Failed Scheduled Order.
Updated over 2 years ago