Discounting Product Groups with Coupons
One popular use of Product Groups is to apply a discount to multiple products, or any product within a Product Group that is within a Scheduled Order.
How to Apply a Discount to Any Product in a Group
- Create a Coupon
- First time creating a coupon? Get started with Coupons here.
- Choose a Discount Type and Amount
- To apply a discount to Product(s) select either "Reduce Product by Percentage" or "Reduce Product by Amount"
- Enter either an amount or a percentage for the discount
- In the "Select Product" dropdown, select the Product Group that the coupon should apply the discount to
- Select "Create" to complete the creation of your new coupon.
- Add the Coupon Code to the Scheduled Order(s)
- The Coupon will apply the discount to each product that is in the Product Group selected for the Coupon.
- First time adding a Coupon to a Scheduled Order? Learn how to add a Coupon here.
Example: Apply a 20% Discount to Any Product in a Product Group
In this example, we will create a new Coupon that applies a 20% discount to any product in the Product Group: "Shampoos".
After creating the Coupon, we will add the Coupon to a Scheduled Order and then confirm that it is discounting each Product that is in the "Shampoos" Product Group by 20%.
Updated almost 3 years ago