Processing Cycle Fields Reference
Fields Specification
Field Name | Description | Data Type |
ProcessingId | The unique identifier for the Processing Cycle | string |
CreatedUtc | A UTC Datetime that specifies when the Processing Cycle was created | datetime |
StartDateUtc | A UTC Datetime that specifies when the Processing cycle started | datetime |
EndDateUtc | A UTC Datetime that specifies when the Processing cycle finished | datetime |
Status | The Status of the Processing Cycle | enumerate: Processing, Failed, Success |
RetryCount | The number of retries (Manual or Automatic) for the Processing Cycle | number |
Total | The Total of the Scheduled Order that is associated to this Processing Cycle | number |
ChargedTotal | The Total that was processed in this Processing Cycle | number |
ScheduledOrderFailureReason | The Failure Reason detail for a Processing Cycle that is in the Failed Status | string |
ProcessingErrorCode | The Failure Reason Code for a Processing Cycle that is in the Failed Status | enumerate: 1000: Empty Scheduled Order 1001: No Items To Ship 1002: No Shipping Rate Found 1003: Payment Integration Not Found 1004: No Payment Method Found 2000: Payment Failed 3000: Client Order Creation Failure 3002: Invalid Client Order Creation Response |
PaymentGatewayTransactionId | The transaction identifier that was returned by the Payment Gateway | string |
PaymentGatewayResponse | The raw response from the Payment Gateway | string |
PaymentGatewayErrorDescription | The error description from the Payment Gateway when the Payment fails to process successfully | string |
PaymentGatewayErrorCode | The error code from the Payment Gateway when the Payment fails to process successfully | string |
ClientOrderId | The unique identifier for the order that was created in the Client integration | string |
ClientOrderCreatedDateUtc | A UTC Datetime that specifies when an order was created in the Client integration | datetime |
CanBeCompleted | Indicates if the Processing Cycle is eligible to be completed | boolean |
CanBeVoid | Indicates if the Processing Cycle is eligible to be void | boolean |
CanBeEdited | Indicates if the Processing Cycle is eligible to be edited | boolean |
Scheduled Order | The associated Scheduled Order | Scheduled Order |
Metadata | The Processing Cycle Metadata (see: | JSON object |
Updated almost 4 years ago