2001: Payment Gateway Communication Failed
What This Means
The payment gateway did not respond to the request for payment. This is likely a temporary server error or timeout from your Payment Gateway.
Common Causes
- QPilot was unable to communicate with the Payment Gateway and payment may or may not have been processed.
- QPilot did not get a response from the Payment Gateway when the payment was attempting to be processed.
Suggested Next Steps
- To avoid a duplicate transaction, check within your Payment Gateway for a processed payment for this Scheduled Order using the GatewayCustomerID or customer email.
After Resolving the Issue
- If the payment was successful you will want to Complete Processing the Scheduled Order.
- If the transaction was not paid successfully in your Payment Gateway and you wish to retry processing the payment, you can Restart Processing the Failed Scheduled Order.
- To process the Scheduled Order at a later time, update the Next Occurrence Date as needed, and set the status to "Active."
Updated 11 months ago