"How To" MAPs Examples

The following examples outline different MAPS that could be created to support various promotions or flows. These MAPs can be created and managed from your QPilot Merchant Center >> Dashboard >>MAPS page.



If a MAP will utlize coupons, you will first need to create the desired coupon(s) in QPilot > Dashboard > Settings >> Coupons.

Discount Offer on First Recurring Order

  • Create Coupon
    • Discount Type: Reduce Subtotal by Percentage
    • Coupon Percentage: 35
    • Maximum Percentage Discount Amount: 100
    • Not Recurring
  • Context: Scheduled Order Creation
  • Condition: Origin Equals Customer Checkout AND Customer Scheduled Orders Created Equals 1 With Status Active, Paused, Failed Before Lifetime.
  • Action: Add Coupon

Result: MAP that applies a 35% off coupon to a customer's first Scheduled Order.

Product Swap from Checkout to Subscription Refill

  • Context: Scheduled Order Creation
  • Condition: Origin Equals Customer Checkout AND Product Equals Product X
  • Action: Switch Product from Product X to Product Y

Result: MAP that replaces a checkout product with a different product in recurring Scheduled Orders.

Ladder Discounts to Incentivize Loyalty


  • Context: Scheduled Order Creation
  • Condition: Origin Equals Customer Checkout
  • Action: Add Coupon (5%)


  • Context: Scheduled Order Processing Finish
  • Condition: Scheduled Order Cycles Equals 3
  • Action: Add Coupon (10%) and Remove Coupon (5%)

MAP Three

  • Context: Scheduled Order Processing Finish
  • Condition: Scheduled Order Cycles Equals 6
  • Action: Add Coupon (15%) and Remove Coupon (10%)

Result: MAP that adds coupons to the Scheduled Order based on its cycle count to apply increasing discounts (ladder discounts).

Free Gift at X Cycle


  • Context: Scheduled Order Processing Finish
  • Condition: Scheduled Order Cycles Equals 4
  • Action: Add Product


  • Context: Scheduled Order Processing Finish
  • Condition: Scheduled Order Cycles Equals 5
  • Action: Remove Product

Result MAP that adds a free (non-recurring) product to the Scheduled Order on cycle 5 and then removes the product.

Discount Every Nth Cycle


  • Context: Scheduled Order Processing Finish
  • Condition: Every Scheduled Order Nth Cycles Equals 3
  • Action: Add coupon


  • Context: Scheduled Order Processing Finish
  • Condition: Scheduled Order Nth Cycles Equals 4
  • Action: Remove Coupon

Result: MAP that discounts Scheduled Orders every third cycle.