Processing Error Codes
Processing Error Codes
When a Scheduled Order fails to complete processing, the status of the Scheduled Order is set to "Failed" and a notification is sent to your QPilot Site's Contact(s) explaining the error and suggested next steps to resolve the error.
The following are errors that can occur while processing a Scheduled Order:
Code | Response | Definition | Step |
1000 | EmptyScheduledOrder | No items were added to the Scheduled Order | Pre-Processing |
1001 | NoItemsToShip | No items are available to process for the Scheduled Order | Pre-Processing |
1002 | ShippingRateNotFound | One or more shipping rates could not be applied to the Scheduled Order | Pre-Processing |
1003 | PaymentIntegrationNotFound | The client responded to QPilot's request to create the client Order with an invalid order. | Pre-Processing |
1004 | PaymentMethodNull | No payment method is selected for the Scheduled Order | Pre-Processing |
2000 | PaymentFailed | The selected payment method for the Scheduled Order did not process successfully | Processing |
2001 | PaymentGatewayCommunicationFailed | The payment integration for the Scheduled Order did not respond to the request for payment. This is likely a temporary server error or timeout from your Payment Gateway. | Processing |
3000 | ClientOrderCreationFailure | The client site did not respond successfully to QPilot's API request to Create the Order | Processing |
3001 | ClientOrderUpdateFailure | The client site did not respond successfully to QPilot's API request to Update the Order | Processing |
3002 | ClientOrderCreationInvalidResponse | The client site responded to QPilot's request to create the client Order with an invalid order. | Processing |
99 | UnknownError | An unknown error occurred during processing | Processing |
Updated about 1 year ago