2.7.6 - 2022-12-22

In this we are including the migration of all the logs to ElasticSearch, also we are sending a demo version for the Shopify payment method and we migrate notify process. also we add a new enhancement to admin the custom integrations. - 2022-11-29

In this version, we are solving bugs related to a coupon and shipping rates - 2022-11-23

In this version we are solving bugs when the user tries to complete a payment with a Cybersouorce also we solve an error when the SO has an error we were getting a 99 error.

2.7.5 - 2022-11-22

In this version we are solving bugs reported, migrating the preprocess and Process SO also we are adding new functionality to import a SO from Merchant Center.

2.7.4 - 2022-10-24

In this version, we update the productId field in Coupon, migrate the calculation total for future enhancement like import file and SO processes also migrate LoadingOrders to have better performance, improve the RecoveryAnalysis function and we solve an error in the Iframe date picker is not limiting the days.

2.7.3 - 2022-9-29

In this version, we change the behavior when the user login for the first time and also delete the GPD Payment, and solve errors in the Coupon section.

2.7.2 - 2022-9-12

In this version, we solved some bugs. Also, we migrated Checkout, Sage, TrusCommerce, and NMI, logging when a coupon is added o deleted from a SO. and adding the functionality of the application of the max coupon.

2.7.1 - 2022-8-29

In this version, we solved some bugs. Also, we migrated CyberSourceV2, Braintree, PayaV1, and Square. - 2022-8-12

This version includes a fix when we have integration and tried to check the product availability.

2.7.0 - 2022-8-8

This version includes new functionality to set default values when we create a site. Also, we migrate the PayPal Payment Integration to our new architecture, which allows us a better performance.