- 2021-10-25
over 3 years ago by David Bradley
- 1702 - Reverted change (Will prepend "Coupon: " to fee_lines) - 2021-10-25
over 3 years ago by David Bradley
- Fixed a bug that prevented token refreshes (was introduced when fixing zapier connection)
2.5.1 - 2021-10-25
over 3 years ago by David Bradley
- Fixed [Bug] Azure databases are not updating/completing queries due to timeouts #1668
- Fixed [Enhancement] Localization Settings Do Not Fallback to Default Strings When Deleted #1676
- Fixed [Bug] "Coupon: " Prepended on Virtual coupons being added to WooCommerce #1702
- Fixed [Bug] Shipping Rate & Totals Do Not Update On Merchant Center Scheduled Order Total Summary #1656
- Fixed [Bug] Shipping Method Displaying as NA in Scheduled Order List Page in Merchant Center When Shipping Rate Set #1691
- Fixed [Bug] Payment Method 2 Overwriting Previously Selected Method (1) When Selecting Method 2 #1692
- Fixed [Bug] Coupon Import Causing http-500 Error in QPilot #1701
- Added [Enhancement] Allow Coupon Search Field in Merchant Center Scheduled Order Edit View #1634
- Added [Enhancement] Separate deployment from release #1490
- Added [Enhancement] Enhance Site Customers Revenue Metrics Endpoint #1707 - 2021-10-7
over 3 years ago by David Bradley
- Fixed - Stripe wasn't expanding balance transaction details
- Fixed Scheduled Order Items won't update metadata
- Fixed Zappier integration connection
2.5.0 - 2021-9-29
over 3 years ago by David Bradley
- Added [User Story] As a merchant I need that my custom integration gets the Order pushed when the Scheduled Order is Processed #1684
- Added [User Story] As a merchant I need my client integration to be notified when the Scheduled Order was Processed successfully or failed #1685
- Integration documentation
- Fixed Email notifications not being sent (lock and nth days)
2.4.3 - 2021-9-20
over 3 years ago by David Bradley
- Added [User Story] As a merchant I want to be able to provide my own custom QPilot integration site #1681
- Added [User Story] As a merchant with a Custom Integration I want to be able to Sync Product myself #1682
- Added [User Story] As a merchant with a custom integration I need to be told when a Product is set to not being available #1683
- Added [User Story] As a merchant I need my custom client integration to be able to run health checks #1686
2.4.2 - 2021-8-30
over 3 years ago by David Bradley
- Added #1651 - [Enhancement] Test "Notifying" function
- Added #1652 - [Enhancement] Test "Updating" function #1652
- Placed a "Fix" for the Nth days notifications issue - Locked "now" moment to prevent SOs being incorrectly dropped
- Fixed event logs persisting error when the Scheduled Order finished Processing
- Fixed #1667 - [Bug] Can not edit number of n days email template without selecting specifc options #1667 - 2021-8-20
over 3 years ago by David Bradley
- Fix SOs processing including out of stock items - 2021-8-20
over 3 years ago by David Bradley
- Fixed Scheduled Orders Failing processing due to Entity Framework context switching error.
2.4.1 - 2021-8-10
over 3 years ago by David Bradley
- [Epic] Healthier Processing Pipeline #1641
- Added [Enhancement] Test "Processing" function #1650
- Added [Enhancement] Test "LoadingOrders" function #1649
- MAPs Automation Production Version #1628
- Added [Enhancement] MAPs Can Share the Same Names for Different Site Id's #1617
- Added [User Story] MAPS - As a Merchant I would like to have an ""Every nTH cycle” condition #1659