- 2021-2-18
about 4 years ago by David Bradley
- Added traces to debug CybersourceV2 failures.
2.2.0 - 2021-2-15
about 4 years ago by David Bradley
- Added #1508 - [User Story] As a merchant I would like to process payments with the new cybersource rest api
- Added #1509 - [Enhancement] Have a unique email field for sending email summary of a QPilot Site's Revenue
- Added #1510 - Fix Payment automatic tests
- Fixed #1499 - [Bug] OrderProcessed Webhooks do not have the LastProcessingCycle content
2.1.9 - 2021-2-1
about 4 years ago by David Bradley
- Added #1492 - [User Story] As a merchant, I want to receive a daily email summary of my QPilot Site's Revenue
- Added #1478 - [User Story] As a merchant, I want to be able to view and export a summary report of Customer Metrics
- Fixed #1473 - [Bug] AddItemsToNextScheduledOrder Not Finding Next Order
- Fixed #1493 - [Bug] After Content Text field not getting saved for Customer Notifications
2.1.8 - 2021-1-19
about 4 years ago by David Bradley
- 1476 - Fixed Scheduled Orders by Product Report Export
- 1478 - Removed Scheduled Orders by Product Report Quantity Sort
- 691 - Fixed Payment Method Defaulting to Stripe when creating Scheduled order as a Merchant - 2021-1-6
about 4 years ago by David Bradley
- Fixed issue #1474. That enabled Scheduled Orders to be processed in parallel if the Loading function ran more than once in the same minute. - 2020-12-16
about 4 years ago by David Bradley
- Fixed: an issue on the duplicate checker which would flag a Scheduled Order processing event as a duplicate when activated by a merchant and next occurrence within repeat window.
2.1.7 - 2020-12-15
about 4 years ago by David Bradley
- Fixed: Shipping address Line 2 is showing before line 1 in our email template.
- Improved: Add Shipping Rate Name Placeholder / Fallback for Scheduled Order List View (Shipping Method Column) When No Shipping Rates Exist for Scheduled Order.
- Fixed: Site Summary Displaying Null for Last Editable Date.
- Improved: Lock Notifications to Send Regardless of Scheduled Order Last Processed / Previous Lock Notification Sent.
- Fixed: Unable to organize Scheduled Orders by Payment Method.
- Improved: RAR ProcessingError column show error code not name.
- Improved: Create separate columns for the subtotal values in RAR email report.
- Added: Scheduled Order will fail notice to be sent only to site contact.
- Fixed: Reports startDate and endDates are now being sent transformed to UTC according to the site's UTC Offset.
- Fixed: Products by Date report to reflect accurate dates grouping according to the site's utc offset. - 2020-11-23
about 4 years ago by David Bradley
- Added: duplicate processing validation for the Change Next Occurrence endpoint (used by the Native UI).
- Fixed: an issue when updating a Product and adding groupIds to the request.
- Improved: BadRequest messages formatting and unified response formats across all possible http status codes.
- Improved: added handling for overflow numbers as a proper bad request message instead of an error 500.
- Improved: Customers scope will not be able to query for Deleted Scheduled Orders.
- Changed: eliminated pathways into setting a Scheduled Order as Processing or Queued manually and not through a Processing Function invocation.
- Improved: added template sanitization before sending emails to avoid liquid shortcodes being corrupted when saving templates.
- Added: Update Count, Hours Failed and Site Contact to the RAR Report.
- Improved: LastUpdatedUtc will use the last update event or the processing error event date in the RAR report.
- Fixed: an issue in the RAR report where changes that were close to the Failure Reason were shown even if they happened before the actual processing failure.
- Removed: individual admin email notifications for Scheduled Order failures.
2.1.6 - 2020-11-10
over 4 years ago by David Bradley
- Added: a Scheduled Orders Recovery Analysis report that will eventually replace single notification emails, which shows Scheduled Orders that are failed for the past N hours after the report ran and show slug data, matching/non matching, events after failing, retry count and days failed.
- Improved: now, Subtotals and Pre-validation results are always updated after processing.
- Improved: DayOfTheMonth frequency calculation to be timezone+permutations independent.
- Fixed: qpilot functions app high memory consumption caused by the Sites Data Exporter.
- Fixed: an issue which caused Lock Notifications to be sent 1 day late.
- Fixed: wildcard matching including unpublished KB's.
- Fixed: an object reference not set to an instance of an object admin email sent when no KB matches (specific or generic) when a scheduled order fails.
- Fixed: an issue with Lock Notifications subject and text showing incorrect number of days.