– 2020-09-28

  • Improved: samples for webhooks used by Zapier, which results in better user experience when configuring Zaps: removed PreviousScheduledOrder field for ScheduledOrderCreated event in the polling sample, so that this data member is not shown when configuring a Zap for this event in Zapier, and added ParentProduct dummy data when no parent product exists.
  • Fixed: an issue where the casing format was PascalCase for the polling sample for Zapier. This formatting issue would not allow Zapier to map fields correctly because webhooks are actually fired in camelCase.
  • Fixed: an issue where the wrong site id was recorded when logging events for Scheduled Order updates.
  • Fixed: an issue with Merchant Notification Emails where the Liquid templates were not displaying the items in the Scheduled Order Data Table appropriately.