2.8.3 - 2023-5-31

In this new release we are enabled Elastic Search functionality and some enhancements and bug fixes to improve the functionality and user experience of our scheduled order management system. This release focuses on addressing issues related to bulk operations, search functionality, MAP actions, and site-specific configurations. Additionally, we have introduced new integrations and added Shopify payments and failed scheduled order management.

In this new release we have included several bug fixes and enhancements to improve the functionality and user experience of our system. Here are the key updates in this release:

Popup for Bulk Operations in Scheduled Order List:
We have introduced a new error popup in the Scheduled Order List, which will display any errors encountered during bulk operations. This enhancement allows users to easily identify and resolve issues when performing bulk actions on scheduled orders.
Scheduled Order Search Fix:
We have resolved an issue where the scheduled order search functionality would break when special characters were included in the search query. With this fix, users can now search for scheduled orders accurately, regardless of special characters present in the search query.

Improved MAP Action for Adding Coupons:
This enhancement ensures that the coupon is correctly reapplied according to the specified cycle, providing a seamless coupon management experience.

Skip Chargify Step for Specific Sites:
We have implemented a feature that allows users to skip the Chargify step for specific sites. This enhancement gives users more control and flexibility in their workflow by bypassing the Chargify step when necessary, streamlining the process.

Shopify Payment Integration:
We have added Shopify Payments into our system. With this integration, we can confirm the payment of Shopify SO

What's Changed

Enhancements added

  • Error Popup for Bulk Operations in Scheduled Order List#2727
  • Skip the Chargify step for specific sites#2691
  • Shopify Payment Integration#2342
  • Shopify Failed Scheduled Order Management and Customer Notifications #2546