These docs are for v1.0.2. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

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Sending API requests

Requests to the API require HTTP Basic Authentication. Once you have received an Access Token, additional requests can be made by including the TokenAuth value in the Authorization header.

GET /api/ScheduledOrders HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <TokenAuth>

Access Tokens

You must first get an Access Token to make calls to the API. An access token must specify Access Scope. There are two types of Access Scopes for an Access Token:

  1. Merchant
  2. Customer

Getting a Merchant Access Token

A Merchant Access Token grants access to all merchant features of the API. This token can be used to access all merchant data.

POST /api/AccessTokens/Login HTTP/1.1
  "Email": "<your account email address>",
  "Password": "<your account password>",
  "AccessScope": "Merchant"

Getting a Customer Access Token

A Customer Access Token grants limited access to a customer. This type of access token is intended to be given directly to a customer in order to make changes to Scheduled Orders. The CustomerId must be provided when requesting Customer Access Scope.

POST /api/AccessTokens/Login HTTP/1.1
  "Email": "<your account email address>",
  "Password": "<your account password>",
  "AccessScope": "Customer",
  "CustomerId": 000
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!